Sustainable Peace, Love, Earth 2023
Posted on January 09 2023

Here’s to 2023, a year dedicated to a sustainable Earth filled with Peace and Love!
If all the people on the planet, all of us…consciously and intentionally focus on sustainable Peace and sustainable Love then we can dedicate ourselves to creating a sustainable Earth.
Let’s consider the word sustainable and its definitions to see how they can be applied to creating a sustainable Earth. dictionary definition is “able to continue over a period of time”; says “able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed”; and says “designed to continue at the same rate of level of activity without any problems”.
The world population currently uses more resources and will likely not have enough in the future. It is important to maintain our resources continuously over time for a sustainable Earth.
The United Nations defines sustainable as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In 2015, the United Nations member countries created the 2030 Agenda which contains 17 Goals that companies, institutions and individuals should achieve in order to reverse the future of our common home, planet Earth; and change the course of humanity.
In 2023, let’s all commit to be part of the process of transforming our Earth into a sustainable peaceful planet filled with love. Help save the Earth! It is the only Earthling human home we have!