Sustainable Spring Cleaning For Your Wardrobe
Posted on May 10 2021

Make more space
Remove all empty hangers from your clothes closet. It’s amazing how much space this creates and how much better you can see everything in your closet.
Remove Fall/Winter clothes and place in a storage box at the bottom of your closet, or in a storage closet if available.
Love it or leave it
Review your existing Spring/Summer clothing to keep what you enjoy wearing and repair if needed. Donate or swap anything you are ready to part with.
Mix and Match
Look at ways to make new outfits with the clothes you have. You will be surprised to see how many new outfits can be created!
Refresh your fashion/style
Mindfulness in fashion sustainability is about consumption, as well as production.
Purchase a few high quality and sustainably made garments that will last, and will extend your existing wardrobe by creating even more outfits than before.