National Color Therapy Month
Posted on March 18 2023

In 2011, Eleyne-Mari, founder of the Aura House School of Color and Light, created National Color Month to help people find light and joy through color and to promote awareness about color in healing.
Chromotherapy, or color therapy, has been practiced since 2000 BC. Early color healing used primary colors (red, blue, yellow).
Phototherapy, or light therapy, was practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece, China and India. Egyptians used both sunlight and color for healing.
Mixing colored materials like paint uses the primary color red, blue and yellow.
For light, the primary colors are red, blue and green.
Color therapists today use both light and color to balance the energies in the body. Colors have a profound effect on us at all levels - physical, mental and emotional.
Practicing some form of color therapy is part of our everyday lives by choosing the colors we wear, the colors we eat, our furnishings, wall colors, etc.
Color therapy can be as simple as wearing a particular color because you feel happy in that color!